Financial Planning in Hermiston, OR

Getting a little assistance from a financial planning expert in Hermiston can have numerous impacts on the future of your personal financial situation. We have an entire team of experts who are on standby waiting to help any customer who comes in with questions about how to save money, invest in stocks or plan for the future. These questions can be difficult to answer and very personalized for each person’s experience, and that is why we ask that anybody who comes to see us brings an idea of what they want to do with their finances going forward. We will happily work with you to figure out the next steps that you need to take to get from Point A to Point B.

Individual Consultations

There are numerous subjects that we can potentially cover in an individual financial consultation. Financial planning for an individual may include the following:

  • Helping someone get invested in stocks
  • Looking for more ways to save them money with their budget
  • Finding a career path that is better suited to their needs

Assistance like this is something that we pride ourselves on and something that we’ve offered numerous customers over the years. We hope that you will give us the opportunity to show you that we have people who know how to get you from where you are today to the point where you can proudly say that you were in a better financial position than you were before.

Business Financial Services

Some of the business financial services that we provide are a bit more complex than what we do when working with individuals. This is because the very nature of running a business is quite a bit more complex than what you will find when working on your own individual finances.

There are numerous accounts to consider and various other factors, such as tax liabilities, payroll, health insurance benefits, and other critical factors that businesses have to consider that individuals simply don’t have to worry about.

Thus, Connell & Associates, LLC makes sure that its experts are well versed in the ways that a business can better operate its finances under a variety of scenarios. Please allow our individuals to look over your records and examine a way that you can find greater success in your business and increase your revenue. This will help you grow your dream and be able to serve more customers in the long run. Call us for business or personal tax preparation, payroll services, and the latest in tax news in Hermiston & Pendleton, OR!

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